Create a Better Future for You and Your Children
What is Political Sheepdog?
- is the only legal system*, protected by the First Amendment, that can make good government profitable and, thus, sustainable.
- The measure* for good government is net long term financial and health savings for consumers. We are all consumers.
- This definition ties the welfare of participants to the public welfare and prevents conflicts of interests.
- could choke the incentives to corrupt*.
- is the only system that can challenge the incentive structures* driving the Climate Crisis, the and many other dangers.
- is self-correcting*.
- The approach could provide infinite* benefits.
- could create massive efficiencies throughout nations to make the reductions of the National Deficit* and make the elimination of the Climate Crisis as painless as possible.
- system can provide fair compensation* for the innovators of consumer protective policies and for constituents, when the constituents lobby their respective legislators to rapidly pass consumer protecting legislation.
Better Incentives, Better Innovation, Better Citizen Engagement, Better Protection, Better Governance, Better Lives, Better Futures

- Imagine a sustainable system that could starve corruption and fight influential crooks with their own unethical profits and revenues, while crooks can only cheat with their devious profits.
- Imagine a system with infinite potential benefits for your family and humanity, if you join and participate.
- Imagine the only system that can cripple the driving incentives for global warming and for other vicious cycles, which threaten the extinction of humanity, when you join and participate.
- Imagine an accountable system where the participants only benefit when consumers like you benefit.
- Imagine a system, already protected by the First Amendment, which is five ways better than an amendment to Citizens United and could make the amendment unnecessary, if you join.
- The easiest way to describe Political Sheepdog is that it is like eBay for good government, designed to make the promotion of better government self-supporting and, thus, sustainable. Political Sheepdog is a new system for you to influence government that makes politicians want to protect your interests. Anyone can suggest a consumer protecting policy innovation and any registered voter can participate to support those policies. The system can also provide fair clean compensation to participants, like you.
- is a sustainable, versatile, constituent-driven, non-partisan, market and intellectual property system for incentive-driven, good government in democracies. Our metric for good government is long term health and financial savings for consumers like you, which is a pretty close definition of the public good.
- The model behind is like the following situation. An inventor creates a machine. This machine could can save a manufacturer $1 million, but the inventor requests and receives half of the savings produced. The model is a win-win situation, because both the manufacturer and the inventor both win.
- has a similar model. The policy innovators, which could be you, invent policies to protect consumers. Participating constituents like you promote the consumer protecting legislation and contribute to candidates campaigns. uses markets and market equivalents (the marginal revenue product at zero) to determine fair pay. This pay then comes from the savings for consumers. This approach creates a win-win-win-win-win situation, protected by the First Amendment, in which consumers, candidates, participating constituents, policy innovators and all win, when there is a critical mass of participation.
Don’t Miss the Auction Fun and Excitement in the legislative auctions!
- Imagine a sustainable system that could prevent or reduce disasters like hurricane Harvey or the 2008 banking disaster, if you register and participate.
- Imagine a system that you could join for free.
- Imagine a system in which you can obtain fair competitive income, when you join and advocate to protect yourself, your family, your community, your nation and humanity.
- Imagine a system where greed and the psychopaths on Wall Street will work in your favor to protect you, if you join and participate.
- Imagine a system where day care providers and teachers were not underpaid.
- Imagine a virtuous circle that corrects the way money drives democratic governments to improve the certainty that governments will quickly protect the public like you in far superior ways from any known and new threats.
- Imagine a system which encourages political parties to cooperate, if you register and participate.
- Imagine a system that pleased Senator Elizabeth Warren, TV pundit Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute, Noam Chomsky of MIT and Dean Jonathan Levin of the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
- Imagine a more moral, psychologically based, tax system, where taxes were based on how the income was made or the quality of income and not simply the quantity of income.
- Imagine a self-correcting system in which concerned citizens like you have adequate incentives to correct mistakes, reform unforeseen consequences and rectify intentional misdirection.
- Imagine a system that could reduce deficits with less pain due to efficiencies, if you register and participate.
- Imagine a nimbler system that can react quickly to prevent threats to you, your family and the public, if you join and participate.
- Imagine that the First Amendment protected this system and it was legal.

Be Part of this Solution Join this potentially powerful online community for educational notices and alerts about available voluntary policy actions to start making a difference in our society today!
The only system with the above potential and more is, if you register and participate. Overall, is an independent, sustainable, non-partisan website to:- Connect legislators and constituents like you to one another.
- Spark the creation, improvements, or propagation policy ideas, and draft legislation that protects you and other consumers.
- Motivate legislators to respond to their constituents’ needs, and not to their corporate and big money donors.
- Give constituents like you incentives to donate to election campaigns.
- Organize constituents like you to lobby their legislators.
- Find fair, ethical, competitive compensation for individuals like you, who create and support consumer protecting policies.
- Don’t Miss the Auction Fun and Excitement in the legislative auctions!
- Please urge your favorite radio stations, TV stations, newspapers, including college newspapers to do a story about
- If you have recently contributed to a campaign, please register with to allow us to create the database for auctions in your state, county, or city.
- Please ask your favorite candidate(s), to whose campaign(s) you have contributed, to contact and to ask how can attract constituent contributions to their campaigns.
Why is Legal
Since only promotes and organizes advocacy, it is protected by the First Amendment.
An incompetent and arrogant lawyer, who has failed to study and who is weak in Constitutional law, might assume the breaks four types of laws.
- Gambling laws. The incompetent attorney might consider that the gambling laws might apply to the primary and general election auctions. The 1910 Supreme Court criterial for gambling much meet three criteria. The must be consideration, where a person risks money or time. There must be a prize. There must be chance.
Since the candidates, not, receive the consideration, would not meet the consideration criteria. Since the governments would pay the prizes, would not meet the prize criteria. Furthermore, the would require as much skill, if not more, as a derivative market, which is legal. As a result, would not meet any of the criteria for gambling.Finally, since PSD only advocates for prizes and does not pay the prizes, is protected by the First Amendment.
- Lobbying for contingency fee. Most states have laws, which forbid contingency fees for lobbyist, but these would not apply to, because the First Amendment allows people to advocate for legislation that would pay the constituent lobbyists according to a contingency.
- Conspiracy laws. Since the First Amendment grants the right to organize to petition the government, the application of conspiracy laws to would be unconstitutional and illegal.
- Bribery Laws – Since contributing constituents for the election auctions would probably not know for which laws they would lobby and since the auctions are competitive, there is no quid pro quo. In addition. the process is transparent, because the auctions are online in real time. Finally, the application of the bribery laws to would defeat the purpose the bribery laws, which is to protect the public. How would a state prosecutor protect the public, while oppressing an organization, striving to improve the net long term health and financial savings for consumers? Furthermore, since would make fighting corruption profitable, it would starve the incentives to corrupt. As a result, applying bribery laws to would defeat the purpose of the bribery laws.
Campaign contributions to enter into the election auctions a would be less corrupting than contributions from non-constituents, because non-constituent contributions create a conflicts of interest, of which the contributions are free, because aligns constituents with candidates from their district and because only contributing constituents can only lobby their respective legislators.
In addition, any campaign donations from lobbying constituents associated with would be far less corrupting than our current system, which allows non-constituents to make contributions, because non-constituent contribution create a conflict for the legislator, who should defend the interests of only their constituent. Since is constituent based and since there are far more non-constituents with far more money than non-constituents, the approach is far less corrupting than our current system.
Bribery laws would not apply to session level auctions, because entry into those auctions is free from any payment to anyone.
The approach would rely on monetary estimates of health savings. It might also use monetary estimate of time savings
While intellectual property would require estimations of value, if financiers can estimate the “good will” of a corporation or estimate the risk adjusted, discounted future returns of a stock, we can also estimate the net value for the protection of the public welfare. These estimate may need an arbitration process.
Fighting Corruption and Improving Democracy
- can fight corruption out of the corruptor’s illicit revenues and damages, while corruptors must use their corrupt profits to cheat. This feature should tip the balance of power against corruption and help crush the incentives to corrupt.
- Since the goal is to provide net long term health and financial savings for consumers and reduce consumer costs and since corruption creates costs for consumers, should be able to reduce corruption in legislatures and indirectly elsewhere in government.
- Since could make fighting corruption profitable would also tip the balance of power against corruption, because more people searching for corruption and acting to stop it, should decrease corruption.
- As a result, it is the most available way to fight corruption and possibly make an amendment to counter Citizens United irrelevant.
- The profit approach makes the promotion of good government more sustainable and less reliant on altruism.
- is the only legal system that can provide a clean financial return or even profits for campaign contributions from constituents. It is clean, because the system has competitive auctions*, because the system is constituent driven and because no one profits unless consumers obtain net long term health or financial savings.
- Since the first loyalty of legislators should be to their constituents, since is constituent driven, since could provide clean returns for campaign contributions from respective constituent, since can fight corrupters with their revenues and damages, and since non-constituents are more numerous and, thereby, have much greater assets than constituents; incentivizes could encourage constituents to challenge and reverse the current advantages of non-constituents. As a result, could overturn our current intrinsically corrupt system with contributions and activism from constituents.
- could provide the organization, the focus, and the balance to allow diverse and disorganized consumers to successfully oppose special interest legislation, who now can spread consumer costs too thinly for individual consumers to fight.
Improve Democracy
Advantages of to improve democracy
- Financial incentives to participate in the enactment of legislation could encourage more participation with more transparency to invigorate democracy.
- The open-ended approach should intensify the legislator-constituent relationship with constant inputs and constituent observation, instead of mostly during campaign season.
- The profit approach to good government should encourage a more accurate prioritization of legislation.
- could encourage greater cooperation between political parties, because candidates both parties would encourage constituents to support consumer protecting legislation in order to obtain campaign funds from their constituents, who in turn would be competing for profits in the auctions from consumer protecting legislation.
Incentives Structures and Intellectual Property
- The incentive structure driving the climate crisis and many other systemic deficiencies allows vast profits for businesses that cater to private wants, but only allows paltry or no profits for policy innovations that could protect the public welfare. This imbalance occurs even when the protection of the public welfare has vast value. This imbalance creates a systemic bias against the public welfare. Since incentives drive all economic and political activity, this biased incentive structure is one of the reasons, if not the principle reason, for our failure to prevent the current climate crisis.The only system that has financial incentives through its intellectual property system to provide fair competitive profits for policy innovations that protect the public is As a result, is the only system with the potential to bring balance to our current failing biased incentive structure. with its intellectual property system for protective policy innovation and its markets for constituent legislatures can identify the fairest and cheapest compensation to provide optimal balance to correct our current failing incentives structure.
- An reason for the need to have intellectual property for policy innovations that protect the public welfare is because there are many dangers to the public welfare, which are invisible like the incentive structure that created the 2008 banking collapse (see The Big Short) or like the weaponization of social media (see Like, War). Other invisible phenomena like psychological phenomena, like the detrimental unforeseen impacts of bad laws, like incentives structures, like HIV, like corruption, like debt, like unhealthy diets, etc., which have dangers and which have poor incentives to correct. For example, the opioid epidemic has been brewing for 30 or 40 years, while legislatures responded inadequately. Other invisible phenomena may come from geological, international, political, sociological, financial, etc. fields. More invisible phenomena come from the interaction between the number of human beings, the combination and permutations of their interactions, and the rapidity of technological advance. As a result of these interactions, regulations will only increase. Sorry Libertarians!Since these phenomena are invisible, most people won’t know of them until they inflict damage. As a result, democracies will fail to prevent these dangers due to inadequate general knowledge to motivate enough citizens to create a majority necessary to prevent the disasters. Without adequate incentives for visionary pioneers and their supporters to prevent the above and similar disasters, we will be doomed to recurrent disasters like drug addiction, like unstable banking systems, like Katrina and like global roasting. Thus, it is important to give the visionary pioneers the resources in incentives to ensure that they and their supporters will protect us. Only has the design with its appropriate intellectual property for policy innovators to provide the competitive incentives, which are necessary to prevent these disasters.
- Of the invisible dangers, probably most serious is an asymmetric incentive structure(as noted above), which allows people to obtain vast fortunes catering the private wants, but relatively paltry compensation for those, who protect the public welfare, even when the public protection can have great value. This asymmetry creates a systemic bias and a vicious cycle against the public interests, which includes inappropriate political influence and which creates suboptimal profit signals with colossal inefficiencies like global warming, like the 2008 banking collapse, like the Katrina disaster, like corruption and like the national debt. Only the intellectual property system, markets and definition of good governance based on net longterm consumer health and financial savings can send the most accurate signals to correct the bias of our current incentive system against the public well-being.
Intellectual Property for Policy Innovation
- The advantage of intellectual property for protective public policy is that it is encourages an infinite future flow of from visionary pioneers to protect consumers from disasters like the weaponization of social media, like artificial intelligence, like Hurricane Sandy, like the 2008 banking collapse, like the opioid epidemic etc., etc. The intellectual property purpose is not to make some inventor rich. The purpose of intellectual property for public policy is to create a competitive innovative culture that will strive forever to protect the public well-being.
- The intellectual property-constituent driven approach makes an open ended and bottom up system, which should maximize protection options and which should improve the quality of governance (see The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki) and improve the stability and strength of government as well as improve national innovation (see Why Nations Fail by Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson).The intellectual property system has other advantages:
- The intellectual property approach could incentivize visionary pioneers and policy entrepreneurs to help governments identify potential problems quickly with other incentives for rapid constituent support at the lowest cost in order to increase the agility of governments to prevent and reduce multiple hazards early, rapidly, and simultaneously with the widest possible options.
- The intellectual property approach makes self-correcting, because other policy entrepreneurs have incentives to reduce excesses of prior policies. The ability to self-correct would probably help eliminate inventories of obsolete and bad laws.
Infinite and Miscellaneous Benefits
- The intellectual property and internet approach gives the infinite potential to prevent an infinite number of problems, because the human imagination may have infinite potential and because knowledge has a theoretical infinite life. As a result, the intellectual property approach can encourage an infinite future flow of protective policies from visionary pioneers to protect consumers from disasters like the weaponization of social media, like artificial intelligence, like Hurricane Sandy, like the 2008 banking collapse, like the opioid epidemic etc., etc. Thus the failure of governments to provide fair finite compensation through intellectual property for infinite public protecting policies is criminal negligence.
- In addition, since is highly scalable, it could promote a vast array of public protecting policies in multiple democratic legislatures simultaneously with only small changes. As a result, it could be the most robust method to reverse the climate crisis and is far more versatility than an amendment to counter Citizens United.
- Another amazing characteristic of intellectual property is that the arguments for it become more compelling , because its intellectual property approach makes it highly versatile. For example, I did not realize the importance of invisible phenomena, their dangers, and how could prevent these dangers until relatively recently. The source of its versatility is its intellectual property approach.
National Deficit
- Since can attack vast numbers of wasteful private and public choices in every democratic jurisdiction simultaneously and thereby make the entire economy far more efficient, could provide a gentlest path to the reduction of the National Deficit and prevention of the Climate Crisis, as long as the velocity of money remains constant.
- For example, could reduce the psychological victimization of consumers by marketers and businesses and, thereby, make the entire country, not just the government, more efficient.
Fair Compensation
There are 3 major standards of fairness for income distribution – need, material equality, and contributory fairness. Contributory fairness is basically the value that someone produces adjusted for competition. As a result, if you produce something of great value like education, but many others are producing that same thing, compensation is low. In theory, we measure contributory fairness with wages for a skill, when the marginal revenue product is zero. In practice, we measure it with markets such that contributory fairness is the standard of fairness for markets. In order to ensure the optimal amount – not too little and not too much – of innovation for public policy, will, thus, use contributory fairness as its standard of fairness for intellectual property compensation.
While many markets can identify contributory fairness, markets can fail to give accurate readings of the value of some products. An example is be a sidewalk, which keeps our streets, homes and business cleaner than walking in mud. Since it is cheaper for governments to build sidewalks than to have several competing sidewalks with toll booths on each end of each block for every block, governments supply sidewalks, because government can create sidewalks with greater efficiency than markets. This inefficiency is call a market failure.
There are many types of market failures, where markets fail to be efficient and there are many types of government failures like corruption or bad laws that result in inefficiency. Since markets can fail to provide efficient solutions, markets cannot identify the value of correcting a market failure and we must estimate that value. These estimates of value should use contributory fairness, because it is the market standard of fairness, to ensure that protection from market and government failures is competitive with markets. This approach will prevent the current systemic bias against the public welfare.
Despite this dominant influence of contributory fairness over markets, it appears from personal experience that almost everyone is completely ignorant of contributory fairness. This ignorance is unfortunate, because everyone needs to understand contributory fairness due to it ubiquitous nature. Contributory fairness drives all commercial activity, including the Climate Crisis. As a result, if anyone fails to understand contributory fairness, they are for all practical purposes functionally illiterate about politics and markets.
Contributory fairness is intrinsically unequal, because the inequality is necessary to signal what to produce. Since contributory fairness differentiates signals between trillions of human wants and purchases, it can indicate production needs with far greater accuracy than material equality, because equality has no differentiation. As a result, contributory fairness is dominant, but it has weaknesses, which we can usually correct with the appropriate legal structure. That legal structure must provide fair incentives, based on contributory fairness, for the protection the public.
Since contributory fairness is the standard of fairness for financial compensation for people, who cater to private wants, and is the standard of fairness for market economies, wouldn’t our politico-economic system and our intellectual property system be fairer, if the compensation for innovators, who protect the public well-being, and for their supporters also be wages for a skill, when the marginal revenue product at zero? Wouldn’t it be fairer, if the innovating guardians of the public welfare could compete on a flat playing field for financial compensation and resources? As a result, the standard of fairness for policy innovation in is contributory fairness.
For a policy innovator, fair compensation would be about half of the value produced for the lead period that at the initial policy innovators had over potential competitors, who had copyrighted policy research on the subject of the policy. From this value, we would need to reduce it by the costs of enactment and of enforcement of the policy.
After that lead period ended, then up to 5 researchers/potential innovators, who had published on the subject, should enter a market to determine compensation in the sequence of estimated respective potential discoveries.